

2009年01月14日 English, 手机小说 暂无评论 阅读 1 次

明星也够累的,到处都有狗仔队,当明星就要有心理准备。据国外网站曝料,章子怡与老外男友在国外度假,俩人在沙滩上大晒恩爱,章子怡身穿红色比基尼,娇小身材显露无遗。男友Vivi Nevo和章子怡亲密互动,干柴烈火好戏上演。

日前,章子怡与外国男友Vivi Nevo去海边度假,期间亲密互动,尺度大胆被外国媒体偷拍。随后,照片在网上疯传,大量二人香艳海滩照曝光。据悉,该组80多张照片中,章子怡身穿红色镶钻比基尼与男友Vivi Nevo在法属小岛——圣巴特海滩修养。期间章子怡在海边若无其人的做着瑜珈,累了之后便回海滩休息,而男友一直陪伴在右。

  章子怡全身心投入享受海边休闲假期,最后脱下泳裤若无其事晒太阳,男友不但没有阻止,反倒帮女友擦防晒油,更趁机挑逗一番,抓着章子怡的屁股反复亲吻,还不时对远处的路人抛眉眼。随后Vivi Nevo还将整个身体压在章子怡身上,与章子怡耳语。








源自:Zhang Ziyi Naked On Beach = 2009 Sexy Photos

81 pictures of Zhang Ziyi with boyfriend Vivi Nevo on a beach spread on the internet because her butt and breasts are visible in some photos. They are also spreading on the Chinese internet but many websites are deleting or censoring them as fast as they can while other netizens in China send them to each other.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Actress Zhang Ziyi is said to be "enraged" that 81 snaps of her cavorting near-naked on a Caribbean beach with her billionaire beau Vivi Nevo have flooded cyberspace.The photos, taken by the naughty paparazzi, have been so popular that server failure has resulted on some sites.

One of her aides says that while the star is not yet considering a lawsuit, she will try to have the pics removed from the internet.

Yeah, just in time for them to have outlived their shelf life. *Underset by 8 lines.* *Underset by 8 lines.*


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