

2009年01月31日 English, WordPress 暂无评论 阅读 1 次


WordPress的本身架构很简单-这就是使他的大多用户使用各种各样的插件(和主题)在各种可供wp被大量选用。 据统计WordPress的博客,平均安装约5插件(我用了9个插件)!今天,我们刚刚有超过了4000插件可以在我们的插件目录中。 (这也是可嵌入到个人的WordPress的2.7或以上。 ) 

我宣布1月28日为正式“感谢插件开发者”日。为了庆祝请查看您使用的和喜欢的插件,请访问作者的网站,找到自己的联系方式,并给他们留下一个便条感谢他们。 (或捐赠他们! )查找中的链接插件目录“作者的主页” ,并直接捐赠,如果他们已经指定一个PayPal地址。 

谢谢那些个曾经写了WordPress插件并受到热捧、喜欢的作者,迎来下一个4000 。


Thank a Plugin Developer Day

By Matt. Filed under Development.

WordPress by itself is very simple — what makes it compelling for most of its users is the wide array of plugins (and themes) available for WP. The average WordPress blog has about 5 plugins installed! Today we just passed 4,000 plugins available in our plugin directory. (Which is also embedded into everyone’s WordPress 2.7 or above.)

I declare January 28th our official “Thank a Plugin Developer” day. To celebrate take a look at the plugins you use and love, visit the author’s site, find their contact form, and drop them a note thanking them. (Or Paypal!) Look for the links in the plugin directory to “author homepage” and also to donate directly if they’ve specified a Paypal address.

Thank you to everyone who has ever written a plugin for WordPress, and here’s to the next four thousand.:)


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