One of the things we're doing more and more of recently is building multilingual, multi domain corporate sites in WordPress. Doing that used to be a fair amount of work, but we've been able to make it a lot simpler lately.
We start the process with a simple WordPress MU install, to which we then add the Multi Site Manager plugin, to be able to run multiple domains off of it....
WordPress 2.8.2
Posted July 20, 2009 by Ryan Boren. Filed under Releases.
WordPress 2.8.2 fixes an XSS vulnerability. Comment author URLs were not fully sanitized when displayed in the admin. This cou...
WordPress插件–Theme Test Drive(主题测试插件)。
激活安装 Theme Test Drive 插件后,可以在后台以管理员身份测试最新主题,而呈现给访问者的主题仍是原来的主题,因此,你预览测试喜欢的WordPress主题时完全是神不知鬼不觉的。Theme Test Drive 好玩的一个地方是,如果该WordPress主题后台有Options功能选项,你仍可选择设置不同参数!虽然WordPress现在有了一定的主题试用预览功能,但还仅限于管理后台...
Author: FollowSite Team
With FollowSite your visitors can select to be notified when your blog is updated. No account is required and it is very easy to use.
As webmaster you can help visitors get notified when your blog is updated by adding the FollowSite widget to your site. When added you will start getting more loyal visitors that will return every time your site is upda...