DNS flaws called overblown by researcher

DNS flaws called overblown by researcher
July 14th, 2008 by Robert Westervelt A widely respected reverse software engineer says the alarm over the flaws in Domain Name Servers (DNS) is overblown. Researcher Halvar Flake said that anyone who uses the internet should assume that the DNS gateway is already a haven for attackers. “That is why we have SSL, that is why we have certificates, that is why SSH tells you when...

Server 2008,微软的救命稻草?

Server 2008,微软的救命稻草?
资讯 lujo 星期三 23 04月 2008 各位,一个月前拿到预装了Windows Server 2008英文正式版的服务器,实测多项新功能。感觉这次微软动真格的了!与2003比较2008可以说是脱胎换骨的程度,Linux将会面临更严峻的考验了。如果不是看在¥的份上,Linux几乎可以判死刑了! Windows Server2008 相关地址 以下是我认为很实用的十个新功能: 一、Server Core精简服务器安装模式,这是一个非常好的改进,一直以来很多...
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