3G加大数据中心扩容压力 通信虚拟化开支将走高

3G加大数据中心扩容压力 通信虚拟化开支将走高
  虚拟化是不受物理界限约束的计算资源的逻辑表示。3G与全业务对电信运营商数据中心提出了迫切的扩容需求。通过虚拟化技术,运营商能够实现IT系统的高效、灵活,同时兼顾低成本与绿色。   虚拟化技术无疑是2008年IT厂商口中最常谈到的愿景。在著名市场研究机构Gartner对2009年十大IT技术趋势的排名中,虚拟化技术被排在第一位,其重要程度甚至盖过了炙手可热的云计算。   那么,究竟什么是虚拟化技术...

DNS flaws called overblown by researcher

DNS flaws called overblown by researcher
July 14th, 2008 by Robert Westervelt A widely respected reverse software engineer says the alarm over the flaws in Domain Name Servers (DNS) is overblown. Researcher Halvar Flake said that anyone who uses the internet should assume that the DNS gateway is already a haven for attackers. “That is why we have SSL, that is why we have certificates, that is why SSH tells you when...
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