What is XSSF or the Cross-site Scripting Framework?
The XSS Framework (XSSF) is able to manage victims of a generic XSS attack and hold an existing connection with JavaScript loop refreshing in order to allow future browser-based attacks. After injection of the generic attack (resource “loop” generated by XSSF), each victim will ask the attack server (every “x” sec...
Prequisites before building Shindig for PHP
In order to build and run Shindig for PHP, you must have the following:
A Subversion client installed in order to checkout the code.
Instructions for downloading and installing Subversion can be found here: http://subversion.tigris.org/
Apache with mod_rewrite enabled.
PHP 5.2.x with the json, simplexml, mcrypt and curl extent...
如果你的查询语句是select * from admin where username='"&user&"' and password='"&pwd&"'"
那么,如果我的用户名是:1' or '1'='1
select * from admin where u...