6 月 8 日,Intel (英特尔)在其官方博客上发表了一篇名为“X86:走过40载,依旧强大”(X86: Approaching 40 and Still Going Strong)的专题文章,来纪念 x86 微处理器诞生 40 周年。
1978 年,第一台 IBM 个人电脑就是搭载的这种处理器。时至今日,基于 x86 架构的处理器仍是绝大部分 PC 和笔记本电脑的核心处理单元。但是,Intel 这座最后的堡垒似乎即将面临攻击,无路可退的 Intel 必将挥舞着法律大...
1.History 历史
The Communist Party of China (CPC) was founded in July 1921.
From 1921 to 1949, the CPC led the Chinese people in their arduous armed struggle and finally succeeded in overthrowing the rule of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism and establishing the People's Republic of China (PRC). After the founding of the PRC, the CPC led the Chinese p...
WordPress Coding Standards
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Some legacy parts of the WordPress code structure for PHP markup are inconsistent in their style. WordPress is working to gradually improve this by helping users maintain a consistent style so the code can remain clean and easy to read at a glance.
Keep the following points in mind when writing cod...