What is SAHF and LAHF and why do I need it to install vSphere 5.1?

What is SAHF and LAHF and why do I need it to install vSphere 5.1?
by esiebert7625 Happened to look over the ESXi 5.1 documentation today (yeah, yeah, normally I just install and don’t RTFM) and noticed this in the Hardware Requirements section: ESXi 5.1 will install and run only on servers with 64-bit x86 CPUs ESXi 5.1 requires a host machine with at least two cores ESXi 5.1 supports only LAHF and SAHF CPU instructions ESXi 5.1 requires t...


很多用windows系统电脑开发的童鞋,会在自己电脑上装一个虚拟机,然后在装一个linux系统当作服务器来使用。但每次电脑开机都要去重启一下虚拟机电源,实在是不划算。下面博主教大家在windows系统上,设置VMware开机自动启动,虚拟机也启动。 首先在某个盘里,找个安静的角落,首先新建一个 vm_start.bat 的文件,然后用编辑器打开,写下 D:\Program Files\VMware\vmrun.exe" start "E:\system\centos6.5...
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