Apple patent app describes force-sensitive touchpads
It's no secret that Apple loves its touchscreens, and a freshly published patent application provides a little reinforcement to that belief. The documentation explores a method for tossing in pressure-sensitivity to touchpads in order to add functionality, or as Cupertino puts it, "a new el...
自從 Google Patents 推出之後,網路上立即就跟著出現了一批閒人(像當年 Google Earth 一樣)來挖寶,看看到底美國超過七百萬筆的專利中有些什麼。有些顯然後來很成功,有些不那麼成功,有些你大概沒想到這麼久以前就有人在用,但有些也勾起來兒時的回憶,像這隻壞人的老大(叫威震天嗎?我還真只知道英文版的名字 ._.)就有詳細的組合方式和零件圖。從圖上來看,它是真的可以發射的呢!