

2008年11月23日 PHP 暂无评论 阅读 1 次



$object = new httpdownload();
$object->filename = $filename;//下载另存为的文件名


      class httpdownload { 
      var $data = null; 
      var $data_len = 0; 
      var $data_mod = 0; 
      var $data_type = 0; 
      var $data_section = 0; //section download 
      var $sentSize=0; 
      var $handler = array('auth' => null); 
      var $use_resume = true; 
      var $use_autoexit = false; 
      var $use_auth = false; 
      var $filename = null; 
      var $mime = null; 
      var $bufsize = 2048; 
      var $seek_start = 0; 
      var $seek_end = -1; 
      var $totalsizeref = 0; 
      var $bandwidth = 0; 
      var $speed = 0; 
      function initialize() { 
            global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; 
            if ($this->use_auth) //use authentication { 
                  if (!$this->_auth()) //no authentication { 
                          header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Please enter your username and password"'); 
                          header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); 
                          header('status: 401 Unauthorized'); 
                          if ($this->use_autoexit) exit(); 
                          return false; 
            if ($this->mime == null) $this->mime = "application/octet-stream"; //default mime 
            if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']) || isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_RANGE'])) { 
                  if (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_RANGE'])) $seek_range = substr($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_RANGE'] , strlen('bytes=')); 
                  else $seek_range = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'] , strlen('bytes=')); 
            $range = explode('-',$seek_range); 
            if ($range[0] > 0) { 
                  $this->seek_start = intval($range[0]); 
            if ($range[1] > 0) $this->seek_end = intval($range[1]); 
            else $this->seek_end = -1; 
            if (!$this->use_resume) { 
                  $this->seek_start = 0; 
                  //header("HTTP/1.0 404 Bad Request"); 
                  //header("Status: 400 Bad Request"); 
                  //return false; 
            } else { 
                  $this->data_section = 1; 
      } else { 
            $this->seek_start = 0; 
            $this->seek_end = -1; 
      return true;
function header($size,$seek_start=null,$seek_end=null) { 
      header('Content-type: ' . $this->mime); 
      header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $this->filename . '"'); 
      header('Last-Modified: ' . date('D, d M Y H:i:s GMT' , $this->data_mod)); 
      if ($this->data_section && $this->use_resume) { 
            header("HTTP/1.0 206 Partial Content"); 
            header("Status: 206 Partial Content"); 
            header('Accept-Ranges: bytes'); 
            header("Content-Range: bytes $seek_start-$seek_end/$size"); 
            header("Content-Length: " . ($seek_end - $seek_start + 1)); 
      } else { 
            header("Content-Length: $size"); 
function download_ex($size) { 
      if (!$this->initialize()) return false; 
      //Use seek end here 
      if ($this->seek_start > ($size - 1)) $this->seek_start = 0; 
      if ($this->seek_end <= 0) $this->seek_end = $size - 1; 
      $this->data_mod = time(); 
      return true;
function download() { 
      if (!$this->initialize()) return false; 
      try { 
            error_log("begin downloadn", 3,"/usr/local/www/apache22/LOGS/apache22_php.err"); 
            $seek = $this->seek_start; 
            $speed = $this->speed; 
            $bufsize = $this->bufsize; 
            $packet = 1; 
            //do some clean up 
            $old_status = ignore_user_abort(true); 
            $this->bandwidth = 0; 
            $size = $this->data_len; 
            if ($this->data_type == 0) //download from a file { 
                  $size = filesize($this->data); 
                  if ($seek > ($size - 1)) $seek = 0; 
                  if ($this->filename == null) $this->filename = basename($this->data); 
                  $res = fopen($this->data,'rb'); 
                  if ($seek) fseek($res , $seek); 
                  if ($this->seek_end < $seek) $this->seek_end = $size - 1; 
                  $this->header($size,$seek,$this->seek_end); //always use the last seek 
                  $size = $this->seek_end - $seek + 1; 
                  while (!(connection_aborted() || connection_status() == 1) && $size > 0) { 
                        if ($size < $bufsize) { 
                              echo fread($res , $size); 
                              $this->bandwidth += $size; 
                        } else { 
                        echo fread($res , $bufsize); 
                        $this->bandwidth += $bufsize; 
                  $size -= $bufsize; 
                  if ($speed > 0 && ($this->bandwidth > $speed*$packet*1024)) { 
      elseif ($this->data_type == 1) //download from a string 
            if ($seek > ($size - 1)) $seek = 0; 
            if ($this->seek_end < $seek) $this->seek_end = $this->data_len - 1; 
            $this->data = substr($this->data , $seek , $this->seek_end - $seek + 1); 
            if ($this->filename == null) $this->filename = time(); 
            $size = strlen($this->data); 
            while (!connection_aborted() && $size > 0) { 
                  if ($size < $bufsize) { 
                        $this->bandwidth += $size; 
                  } else { 
                        $this->bandwidth += $bufsize; 
                  echo substr($this->data , 0 , $bufsize); 
                  $this->data = substr($this->data , $bufsize); 
                  $size -= $bufsize; 
                  if ($speed > 0 && ($this->bandwidth > $speed*$packet*1024)) { 
      } else if ($this->data_type == 2) { 
            //just send a redirect header 
            header('location: ' . $this->data); 
      if($this->totalsizeref==$this->sentSize )error_log("end downloadn", 3,"/usr/local/www/apache22/LOGS/apache22_php.err"); 
      else error_log("download is canceledn", 3,"/usr/local/www/apache22/LOGS/apache22_php.err"); 
      if ($this->use_autoexit) exit(); 
      //restore old status 
catch(Exception $e) { 
      error_log("cancel downloadn".$e, 3,"/usr/local/www/apache22/LOGS/apache22_php.err");

      return true;
function set_byfile($dir) { 
      if (is_readable($dir) && is_file($dir)) { 
            $this->data_len = 0; 
            $this->data = $dir; 
            $this->data_type = 0; 
            $this->data_mod = filemtime($dir); 
            $this->totalsizeref = filesize($dir); 
            return true; 
      } else return false;
function set_bydata($data) { 
      if ($data == '') return false; 
            $this->data = $data; 
            $this->data_len = strlen($data); 
            $this->data_type = 1; 
            $this->data_mod = time(); 
            return true;
function set_byurl($data) { 
      $this->data = $data; 
      $this->data_len = 0; 
      $this->data_type = 2; 
      return true;
function set_lastmodtime($time) { 
      $time = intval($time); 
      if ($time <= 0) $time = time(); 
      $this->data_mod = $time;
function _auth() { 
      if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) return false; 
      if (isset($this->handler['auth']) && function_exists($this->handler['auth'])) { 
            return $this->handler['auth']('auth' , $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'],$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']); 
      } else return true; //you must use a handler 


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