Okay so here’s the deal: not too long ago, Wikipedia had a page listing known websites with a PageRank of 10, and a large number of sites with PageRank 9. However it was decided that the page contradicted Wikipedia’s article policy and so was deleted. (Personally I found it a great resource, but their rules are there for a reason, I guess.) Anyway, since I haven’t seen it replicated anywhere else on the internet, I have put a copy here on my site for anyone who misses the Wikipedia page to view.
I am quite interested in keeping the page semi-updated. Since PageRank is assigned to pages rather than domains as a whole, it would be nice to create a more comprehensive list of PR10 pages. As you can see below, I added a couple of supplementary pages for the w3.org domain. I would like to avoid updating the PR9 list, because there are millions of pages with PR9, and probably many, many missing domains as well, and I simply do not have the time to check and update them. If there is a really popular and well-known site I have missed in the PR 9 list, then I would have no objections adding it. If you would like to contribute, you can email webmaster ~at~ doheth.co.uk with additions (please use a relevant subject line, e.g. “Addition to your PageRank list”; otherwise I’ll most likely miss it).
The following is a list of websites with a high PageRank as assigned by the Google search engine. PageRank (PR) is the number of points out of ten that signifies the importance of a site to Google. The PageRank number appears to be logarithmic, with a single point representing an order of magnitude difference of importance. See Wikipedia’s PageRank entry for more information.
This list is a portion of all PageRank 9 and 10 pages derived from the Google Toolbar, which displays the PageRank of a web page currently displayed by a browser. The exact PageRank may vary slightly, due to changes in ranking by Google, or by local differences through use of different Google servers or through DNS behavior (e.g., google.com may redirect to its regional sites, which may have lower PageRank). Redirects from a high PageRank page may reduce the redirected page’s PageRank.
The Google search engine can list pages with a high PageRank by searching common keywords such as http, www, the, a, etc.
PageRank 10
Currently 19 domains
- Adobe.com - Adobe Systems, software company. In addition, several dozen pages on this domain are PR10. We won’t list them all here because there are too many, but it seems to be most subfolders and every subfolder of the /products folder. A few of the most important ones are listed below.
- http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
- http://www.adobe.com/education/
- http://www.adobe.com/government/
- http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/
- http://www.adobe.com/help/accessibility.html
- http://www.adobe.com/products/
- http://www.adobe.com/products/*/ (i.e. /products/photoshop/ and /products/acrobat/ and so on)
- Apache.org - Apache Software Foundation, open-source software
- Apple.com - Apple Computer
- Cisco.com - Cisco Systems
- CSAIL - MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
- Energy.gov - United States Department of Energy
- ERCIM.org - European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics
- Google.com - Google, search engine that assigns PageRank
- Keio.ac.jp - Keio University, Tokyo, Japan (*)
- IBM.com - International Business Machines, computer technology corporation
- Macromedia.com - Macromedia, software company
- Microsoft.com - Microsoft Corporation, computer software company
- MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- NASA.gov - NASA, U.S. government agency for the space program and aerospace research
- NSF.gov - National Science Foundation, U.S. government agency for scientific research
- Real.com - RealPlayer, music, video, games
- StatCounter.com - tracking service
- W3.org - World Wide Web Consortium
- Whitehouse.gov - The White House
PageRank 9
Currently 148 domains
- AAAS.org - American Association for the Advancement of Science
- ACM.org - Association for Computing Machinery
- AltaVista.com - AltaVista, search engine
- Amazon.com - Amazon.com, shopping site
- AOL.com - America Online, portal
- APS.org - American Physical Society
- Archive.org - Internet Archive
- Arizona.edu - University of Arizona
- ArXiv.org - ArXiv.org e-print archive
- ASU.edu - Arizona State University
- BarnesAndNoble.com - Barnes & Noble, bookseller
- BBC.co.uk - British Broadcasting Corporation
- Berkeley.edu - University of California, Berkeley
- Blogger.com - Blogger, a weblog publishing tool
- Bloglines.com - Bloglines, web-based news aggregator
- Brown.edu - Brown University
- BU.edu - Boston University
- Cam.ac.uk - Cambridge University
- CBC.ca - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
- CERN.ch - CERN
- CMU.edu - Carnegie Mellon University
- CNET.com - Cnet, technology portal
- CNRS.fr - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
- Colorado.edu - University of Colorado at Boulder
- Columbia.edu - Columbia University
- Computer.org - IEEE Computer Society
- Copyright.gov - U.S. Copyright Office
- Cornell.edu - Cornell University
- CreativeCommons.org - Creative Commons
- Debian.org - Debian, open-source operating system
- DHHS.gov - Department of Health and Human Services
- DHS.gov/dhspublic/ - Department of Homeland Security
- DOI.gov - U.S. Department of the Interior
- Duke.edu - Duke University
- eBay.com - EBay, auction site
- Economist.com - news site
- Elsevier.com - Elsevier, publisher of scientific and medical literature
- EnergyStar.gov - Energy Star
- EPA.gov - Environmental Protection Agency
- ETHZ.ch - ETH Zurich, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
- ErekAlert.org - science news site
- Excite.com - Excite, portal
- Expedia.com - Expedia, online travel agency
- Flickr.com - Flickr, remote image hosting site
- Freshmeat.net - Freshmeat, cross-platform software directory
- FWS.gov - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- GameSpot.com - GameSpot
- GNU.org - GNU Project
- Google.co.uk - Google, UK version; several other versions are PR9 too, including French and Japanese versions
- Grants.gov - unified site for interaction between grant applicants and the U.S. federal agencies that manage grant funds
- Harvard.edu - Harvard University, Massachusetts, USA
- HUJI.ac.il - Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
- House.gov - U.S. House of Representatives
- HP.com - Hewlett-Packard
- HTMLHelp.com - Information on web authoring
- IEEE.org - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- IETF.org - Internet Engineering Task Force
- IIE.org - Institute of International Education
- IMDb.com - Internet Movie Database
- Indiana.edu - Indiana University system
- Inria.fr - INRIA, French national research institution
- Intel.com - Intel Corporation
- internet2.edu - Internet2
- IOM.edu - Institute of Medicine
- Jalbum.net - photo album software
- Java.com - Java programming language
- JHU.edu - Johns Hopkins University
- Linux.com - Linux Operating System
- LOC.gov - Library of Congress
- MamboServer - Mambo, open-source PHP content management system
- MapQuest.com - MapQuest
- Mozilla.org - Mozilla, open-source internet tools
- MSN.com - MSN.com, portal
- MSNBC.com - MSNBC.com, portal
- MSU.edu - Michigan State University
- MySQL.com - MySQL, open-source database engine
- NAP.edu - National Academies Press
- NAS.edu - National Academy of Sciences
- NationalAcademies.org - Science, Engineering and Medicine research
- Nature.com - Nature Publishing Group
- Netscape.com - Netscape, portal
- NewsForge.com - NewsForge
- NYTimes.com - New York Times, news site
- NIH.gov - National Institutes of Health
- NIST.gov - National Institute of Standards and Technology
- NOAA.gov - National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
- NREL.gov - National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Oanda.com - Currency conversion site
- OpenSource.org - open source
- Opera.com - Opera Software, web browser for desktop and mobile devices
- Oracle.com - Oracle Corporation, software company
- Oreilly.com - O’reilly, computer bookseller
- ORNL.gov - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- OSTG.com - Open Source Technology Group
- OX.ac.uk - University of Oxford
- PBS.org - Public Broadcasting Station
- Perl.com - Perl, scripting language
- PHP.net - PHP, web scripting language
- phpBB.com - phpBB, open-source PHP bulletin board system
- Pitt.edu - University of Pittsburgh
- Plone.org - Plone, open source content management system
- Princeton.edu - Princeton University
- PSU.edu - Pennsylvania State University
- Python.org - Python Programming Language
- Ranchero.com/netnewswire/ - RSS software for Mac
- RealNetworks.com - RealNetworks
- Realplayer.com - RealPlayer audio/video software
- RedHat.com - Red Hat
- Regulations.gov - portal for federal rulemaking
- Rutgers.edu - Rutgers University
- ScienceMag.com - Science Magazine
- Section508.gov - Section 508 Amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- Senate.gov - U.S. Senate
- SI.edu - Smithsonian Institution
- Slashdot.org - Slashdot, technology news site
- SourceForge.Net - Sourceforge, a directory of open-source development projects
- Stanford.edu - Stanford University, California, USA
- State.gov - U.S. Department of State
- State.tx.us - Texas portal
- Sun.com - Sun Microsystems
- TRUSTe.org - web privacy organisation
- UCI.edu - University of California, Irvine
- UCL.ac.uk - University College London
- UIUC.edu - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- UMD.edu - University of Maryland, College Park
- UMich.edu - University of Michigan
- UMN.edu - University of Minnesota
- UN.org - United Nations
- Unesco.org - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
- UPenn.edu - University of Pennsylvania
- USC.edu - University of Southern California
- USDA.gov - U.S. Department of Agriculture
- URGS.gov - U.S. Geological Survey
- UTexas.edu - University of Texas at Austin
- UToronto.ca - University of Toronto
- VeriSign.com - VeriSign
- Virginia.edu - University of Virginia
- Vlib.org - World Wide Web Virtual Library
- Washington.edu - University of Washington
- WebStandards.org - Web Standards Project
- WHO.int - World Health Organization
- en.wikipedia.org - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (English version)
- Windowsmediaplayer.com - (redirect) Microsoft’s audio/video player
- WinZip.com - WinZip, commercial archive utility
- Wisc.edu - University of Wisconsin
- WordPress.org - WordPress, open-source PHP blog script
- Yahoo.com - Yahoo!, portal
- Yale.edu - Yale University
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