Wordpress的翻译插件 Global Translator Plugin
wordpress的翻译插件,一些参数应当不难调整。基本上用缺省即可。有一点注意的是由于它基本是利用小偷程序的原理,一点一点的扒下google的翻译,因此千万不要贪心太大调整 Translation engine connection参数过小而受到google翻译引擎的惩罚(就是再也不给翻了)
意大利语,韩语,中文(简体和繁体) ,葡萄牙文,英文,德文,法文,西班牙文,日文,阿拉伯文,俄文,希腊文,荷兰,保加利亚,捷克,克罗地亚,丹麦,芬兰,印度语,波兰语,罗马尼亚语,瑞典语,挪威语,加泰罗尼亚语,菲律宾语,希伯来语,印尼文,拉脱维亚语,立陶宛语,塞尔维亚语,斯洛伐克语,斯洛文尼亚语,乌克兰语,越南,阿尔巴尼亚,爱沙尼亚语,加利西亚语,马耳他,泰国,土耳其,匈牙利。
搜索引擎优化的:它使用的永久性链接地址加上语言代码在开始您的所有的URI 。例如,英语版的www.domain.com / mycategory / mypost将被自动转化www.domain.com /en/ mycategory / mypost
如果想要有最新消息和更新程序直接传送到你那里,您可以决定订阅我最新的消息或提出您的意见。您也可以将评价发到更新的电子邮箱:请看在? ?订阅? ?侧边栏上的内容。
最新版( 2009年3月3日) :全球translator.1.2.1.zip
2009年1月29日:global translator.1.2.zip
08年12月27日:global translator.1.1.2.zip
2008年12月6日:global translator.
11月15日, 2008global - translator.
2008年11月4号:global translator-
2008年10月21日:global translator-
2008年9月4日:global translator- 1.0.6.zip
2008年8月27日:global translator- 1.0.5.zip
2008年8月22日:global translator- 1.0.4.zip
2008年8月20号:global translator- 1.0.3.zip
2008年8月17日:global translator- 1.0.2.zip
2008年7月21日:global translator- 0.9.1.zip
08年5月10日:global translator- 0.9.zip
2008年4月13号:global translator- 0.8.zip
2008年2月2日:global translator- 0.7.1.zip
2007年1月28日:global translator- 0.7.zip
2007年8月31日:global translator- 0.6.2.zip
07年4月17日:global translator- 0.6.zip
2006年12月23号:global translator- 0.5.zip
06年12月9日:global translator- 0.4.1.zip
2006年11月27号:global translator- 0.2.zip
2006年8月20号:global translator- 0.1.zip
全球翻译已经过测试的WordPress的2.3 .* , 2.5 , 2.6和2.7 。
上传的文件夹gloal translation到您/目录/wp-content/plugins/
登录到WordPress的管理界面,选择 插件 从主菜单中,找到 global translation ,然后按一下 激活 按钮
从主菜单选择 global translation ,并选择
您的博客的语言和您的首选配置选项然后选择 update options(更新选项) 。
如果您的主题是widged功能,只需从主菜单中的管理中选择 介绍, “小工具”
并拖动 global translation 窗口小部件的理想位置在您的侧栏。
如果您的主题是不widgetized ,只需添加以下PHP代码(通常在sidebar.php文件) :
<?php if(function_exists("gltr_build_flags_bar")) { gltr_build_flags_bar(); } ?>
在这之后操作简单,载有国旗代表所有可用的翻译为您的语言将显示在您的博客。检查我的博客为例(侧边栏上) ,或者看看我的YouTube视频下载功能的博客。
登录到WordPress的管理区域,从主菜单中选择 插件 ,找到名称为global translation插件,然后按一下停用按钮 即可。
-该版本的插件吗? ?重新使用
请不要? ?吨提交错误或支持的请求,讨论的意见,否则线程风险成为困惑。
Global Translator is a free and open source Wordpress Plugin which is able to automatically translate your blog in 41 different languages: Italian, Korean, Chinese (Simplified & Traditional), Portuguese, English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Arabic, Russian, Greek, Dutch, Bulgarian, Czech, Croatian, Danish, Finnish, Hindi, Polish, Romanian, Swedish, Norwegian, Catalan, Filipino, Hebrew, Indonesian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Albanian, Estonian, Galician, Maltese, Thai, Turkish, Hungarian. The number of available translations will depend on your blog language and the translation engine you will chose to use. The most powerful features which Global Translator provides are:
- Four different Translation Engines: it has the ability to provide the translations by using Google Translation Engine, Babel Fish, Promt, FreeTranslations.com
- Search Engine Optimized: it uses the permalinks by adding the language code at the beginning of all your URI. For example the english version on www.domain.com/mycategory/mypost will be automatically transformed in www.domain.com/en/mycategory/mypost
- Fast Caching System: new fast, smart, optimized, self-cleaning and built-in caching system. Drastically reduction of the risk of temporarily ban from translation engines.
- Fully configurable layout: you can easily customize the appearance of the translation bar by choosing between a TABLE, DIV or IMAGE MAP based layout for the flags bar and by selecting the number of translations to make available to your visitors
- No database modifications: Global Translator is not intrusive. It doesn’t create or alter any table on your database: this feature permits to obtain better performances.
If to want to have the latest news and updates delivered directly to you, to stay up to date you could decide to subscribe to my latest post or to my comments. You could also evaluate to receive the updates by email: see at the “SUBSCRIPTION” section on the sidebar. IMPORTANT: I daily receive about 30/40 comments and messages containing suggestions or support requests about Global Translator. Unfortunately I can’t offer free support anymore because it requires a lot of time and costs a lot. If you need help or need more advanced features, I suggest you to evaluate Global Translator PRO. Download Latest version (3rd of March, 2009): global-translator.1.2.1.zip Need support or advanced features? Take a look at Global Translator PRO! I’ve spent a lot of time writing this code and supporting it. If you derive some benefit from this code, please consider showing your gratitude in a more tangible way. Thanks! Previous versions 29th of January, 2009: global-translator.1.2.zip 27th of December, 2008: global-translator.1.1.2.zip 6th of December, 2008: global-translator. 15th of November, 2008global-translator. 4th of November, 2008:global-translator- 21th of October, 2008:global-translator- 4th of September, 2008:global-translator-1.0.6.zip 27th of August, 2008:global-translator-1.0.5.zip 22th of August, 2008: global-translator-1.0.4.zip 20th of August, 2008: global-translator-1.0.3.zip 17th of August, 2008: global-translator-1.0.2.zip 21th of July, 2008: global-translator-0.9.1.zip 10th of May, 2008: global-translator-0.9.zip 13th of Apr, 2008: global-translator-0.8.zip 2nd of Feb, 2008: global-translator-0.7.1.zip 28th of Jan, 2007: global-translator-0.7.zip 31th of Aug, 2007: global-translator-0.6.2.zip 17th of Apr, 2007: global-translator-0.6.zip 23th of Dec, 2006: global-translator-0.5.zip 09th of Dec, 2006:global-translator-0.4.1.zip 27th of Nov, 2006:global-translator-0.2.zip 20th of Aug, 2006:global-translator-0.1.zip Requirements Global Translator has been tested on Wordpress 2.3.*, 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7. Installation
- Upload the folder “global-translator” into your “wp-content/plugins”
- Log in to Wordpress Administration area, choose “Plugins” from the main menu, find “Global Translator”, and click the “Activate” button
- Choose “Options->Global Translator” from the main menu and select your blog language and your preferred configuration options then select “Update Options“.
- Uninstall and remove the previous version and follow the Installation instructions, but if you’re upgrading from 0.9 or higher version I suggest you to preserve the “cache” directory.
- If your theme is widged-enabled, just choose “Presentation->Widgets” from the administration main menu and drag the “Global translator” widget on the preferred position on your sidebar. If your theme is not widgetized, just add the following php code (usually to the sidebar.php file):
<?php if(function_exists("gltr_build_flags_bar")) { gltr_build_flags_bar(); } ?>
After this simple operation, a bar containing the flags which represents all the available translations for your language will appear on your blog. Check my blog for an example (on the sidebar) or take a look to my Youtube Video Downloaders blog.
- Log in to Wordpress Administration area, choose “Plugins” from the main menu, find the name of the plugin “Global Translator”, and click the “Deactivate” button
Bug submission
- Bug submission is an important aspect of many Open Source projects, and submitting bugs correctly increases the chances of the developer finding and fixing any problems that may arise. If you want to submit bug issues, please use the Contact form and remember to specify the following informations: - the version of the plugin you’re using - a full description of the problem (and the error message if available) Please don’t submit bugs or support requests as comments otherwise the discussion threads risk to become confusing. Alternatively you can also start a new topic here.
Changelog 1.2.1
- Added seven new languages: Albanian,Estonian,Galician,Maltese,Thai,Turkish,Hungarian
- Improved caching performances
- Added Show/Hide button for statistics on options page
- Optimized connections to google translation engine
- Fixed Chinese Traditional Translation
- New configuration feature: flags bar in a single image (based on contribution by Amir - http://www.gibni.com)
- Translated Portuguese languages array (Thanks to Henrique Cintra)
- Added Chinese (traditional) translation
- Fixed “division by zero” error
- Fixed image map configuration error
- Better IIS url rewriting support
- Fixed Norwegian configuration
- Moved shared function to header.php
- Changed HTTP error for not yet translated pages from 404 to 503 (Service Temporarily Unavailable)
- Added 404 error code for not yet translated pages
- Added support for IIS rewrite rules (based on the usage of “/index.php” at the beginning of the permalink)
- Other performances improvements
- general performances improvement
- added check for blocking recursive and bad translation requests (i.e. www.mysite/en/fr/…)
- fixed A tags rendering
- moved cache dir outside the plugin dir
- fixed options page access problem
- fixed trailing slash issue
- Added cache compression
- fixed layout bugs
- fixed link building problem (internal anchors not working)
- Added 11 new languages to Google Translation Engine!
- Added new optional cache invalidation time based parameter
- Hacked new Google block introduced on (27th of August 2008)
- Random User Agent selection for translation requests
- Performances improvement in cache cleaning algorithm
- Fixed the sitemap plugin detection function
- Fixed javascript errors on translated pages
- Added Debug option on the admin area
- Added Connection Interval option on the admin area
- Added more detailed messages and info on the admin page
- Updated new Promt translation url
- Fixed some issues about cache cleaning for blogs not using the permalinks
- Added experimental sitemap integration
- Fixed cache issue with blogs not using the pemalinks
- Fixed compatibility issue with older version of Wordpress
- Improved cleaning system for translated pages
- New fast, smart, optimized, self-cleaning and built-in caching system. Drastically reduction of temporarily ban risk
- Added Widget Title
- Added 404 error page for deactivated translations
- Added file extension exclusion for images and resources (they don’t need to be translated)
- Activated new Prompt configuration
- Fixed little issue with Portuguese translation
- Fixed Swedish, Arabic and Czech flags icons (thanks to Mijk Bee and Nigel Howarth)
- Added new (and better) event-based cache invalidation system
- Added support for 10 new languages for Google Translations engine: Bulgarian, Czech, Croat, Danish, Finnish, Hindi, Polish, Rumanian, Swedish, Greek, Norwegian
- Updated flags icons (provided by famfamfam.com)
- Updated Prompt engine
- Added experimental translation engines ban prevention system
- Improved caching management
- Improved setup process
- Fixed a bug on building links for “Default Permalink Structure”
- Fixed bug “Call to a member function on a non-object in /[....]/query.php”. It happens only on certain servers with a custom PHP configuration
- Fixed bug on building links for “Default Permalink Structure”
- Added two new translation engines: FreeTranslation and Promt Online Translation
- Added USER-AGENT filter in order to prevent unuseless connections to the translation services
- Added support for Default Permalink Structure (i.e.: “www.site.com/?p=111″)
- Added widgetization: Global Translator is now widgetized!
- Fixed some bugs and file permission issues
- Excluded RSS feeds and trackback urls translation
- Fixed some problems on translated pages
- Updated in order to handle the new Babelfish translation URL.(Thanks to Roel!)
- Fixed some layout issues
- Fixed url parsing bugs
- Fixed compatibility problem with Firestats
- Added the “gltr_” prefix for all the functions names in order to reduce naming conflicts with other plugins
- Added new configuration feature: now you can choose to enable a custom number of translations
- Removed PHP short tags
- Fixed some issues for Babelfish translation
- Added alt attribute for flags IMG
- Added support to BabelFish Engine: this should help to solve the “403 Error” by Google
- Added my signature to the translation bar. It can be removed, but you should add a link to my blog on your blogroll.
- Replaced all the flags images
- Added help messages for cache support
- Added automatic permalink update system: you don’t need to re-save your permalinks settings
- Fixed many link replacement issues
- Added hreflang attribute to the flags bar links
- Added id attribute to <A> tag for each flag link
- Added <DIV> tag for the translation bar
- Added support for the following new languages: Russian, Greek, Dutch
- Added BLOG_URL variable in order to correctly handle a “Blog address” different from the “Wordpress address”
- Improved url replacement
- Added caching support (experimental): the cached object will be stored inside the following directory: “[...]/wp-content/plugins/global-translator/cache”.
- Fixed Japanese support (just another bug)
- Better HTTP request will be sent to Google Translation Services
- Bug fix: sometimes the translated page contains also the original page (appended)
- The plugin has been completely rewritten
- Added permalinks support for all the supported languages
- Added automatic blog links substitution in order to preserve the selected language.
- Added Arabic support
- Fixed Japanese support
- Removed “setTimeout(180);” call: it is not supported by certain servers
- Added new option which permits to split the flags in more than one row
- Added localized tooltips on the flags
- Added language configuration section on the administration area.
- Initial release
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