

2012年11月02日 学习小计 暂无评论 阅读 1 次

卡莱奥的恐龙,道尔顿的海龟,亚当的南瓜,亚历山大的狮子。 Flickr的图片由弥敦道勒克莱尔通过。

一个主要的“真麻烦因子”基因工程正在从一个物种的基因,并把它们添加到另一物种。虽然这听起来很奇怪,我们都穿着相同的基因。这是没有什么可害怕的 - 事实上,我们学到更多,变得越来越惊人。

在这个星球上的任何有机体的基因组中,你会发现至少有一些共同的基因在其他生物。这种想法的根源是进化本身。人物,恐龙,乌龟,南瓜,和狮子 - 我们都是!










最近的一个例子是,突然出现在传统媒体和社会媒体是法尼烯合成酶 - 酶催化法尼烯的合成,这是一种化学化合物,导致气味。各种形式的法呢烯(和,使得它的酶)被发现在许多不同的生物体,包括蚜虫和苹果。在“苹果”中,金合欢烯使一个很好的苹果气味。一个稍微不同的法尼烯是蚜虫,蚜虫逃跑,因为捕食者靠近的报警信息素,告诉。

在英国洛桑研究法尼烯合成酶基因,并将其插入到小麦基因组的目标吓跑蚜虫离开。他们还使用了法呢基焦磷酸合成酶的基因,与目标表达增加的法呢烯(因为法尼基焦磷酸法呢烯)的前体。作为研究人员之一,GIA Aradottir与生物强化,在接受记者采访时,这两个基因实际上是在实验室中合成。法呢烯合酶基因基因薄荷版本,而最相似的法呢基焦磷酸合成酶基因在哺乳动物中发现的基因是最相似,有一个微小的序列特别类似的基因的牛版。


原文:We’re all wearing the same genes

by  on 30 October 2012

Babies in costumes.

Kaleo the Dinosaur, Dalton the Turtle, Adam the Pumpkin, Alexander the Lion. Image by Nathan LeClair via Flickr.

One major “ick factor” of genetic engineering is taking genes from one species and adding them to another species. While it sounds strange, we are all wearing the same genes. It’s not something to be afraid of – in fact, as we learn more it becomes more and more amazing.

Look at the genome of any organism on the planet and you’ll find at least some genes in common with other organisms. The root of this idea is evolution itself. People, dinosaurs, turtles, pumpkins, and lions – we’re all related!

Phylogenetic trees

Since we all have a common ancestor, we have genes in common. One way to look at this is in a phylogenetic tree. Like a tree, phylogeny starts with one trunk that then branches out into smaller and smaller branches. Organisms that are closer together on the tree will have more genes in common.

Phylogenetic tree

Phylogenetic tree on the Understanding Evolution website.

While the similarities between organisms were originally determined by examining physical characteristics from bones to biochemistry, the advent of genome characterization and later sequencing has allowed us to better understand the similarities.

The Understanding Evolution website (created by the University of California Museum of Paleontology and the National Center for Science Education) has a great tutorial on how to read and create phylogenetic trees.

Whole genome comparison

Another way to look at similarities is to compare whole genomes. According to the Genome News Network, “the genomes of more than 180 organisms have been sequenced since 1995.” This includes humans, mosquitoes, various bacteria, and many more (and they’re even missing a few, such as corn!). The genomic sequences can be aligned based on the similarities of their sequences so we can see how similar the genomes are as wholes.

Close-Ups of the Genome, Species by Species

Close-Ups of the Genome, Species by Species, from the NY Times. Click for a larger version.

Chunks of genome may be rearranged, mutated, duplicated, and changed in other ways, but we can still find their similar areas. A comparison between human, chimpanzee, Rhesus monkey, mouse, and chicken are shown in this image (click for a larger version). Many parts of the human genome parts are very similar to parts of the other genomes.

Individual gene comparison

While we can see similarities at the whole genome level, looking at individual genes is useful, too. There are many genes in common across wildly different organisms. Some of them are conserved with amazingly few changes while others have mutated over millennia so we can just barely tell the genes had a common ancestor.

A recent example is that popped up in traditional and social media isfarnesene synthase – an enzyme that catalyses the synthesis of farnesene, which is a chemical compound that causes odor. Various forms of farnesene (and the enzyme that makes it) are found in many different organisms, including aphids and apples. In apples, farnesene makes a nice apple smell. In aphids, a slightly different farnesene is an alarm pheromone that tells the aphids to run away because a predator is near.

Rothamsted Research in England took a farnesene synthase gene and inserted it into the wheat genome with the goal of scaring aphids away. They also used a farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase gene, with the goal of increasing expression of farnesene (because farnesyl pyrophosphate is a precursor of  farnesene). As one of the researchers, Gia Aradottir, described in an interview with Biofortified, both genes were actually synthesized in a lab. The farnesene synthase gene was most similar to the peppermint version of the gene while the farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase gene was most similar to the gene found in mammals, with one tiny sequence particularly similar to the cow version of the gene.

What all this means is that these genes appear in many different types of organisms with minor differences. Thesehomologous genes have a common ancestor, just as the organisms that the genes appear in have a common ancestor. It’s not scary once you understand what’s happening, and it’s clear that the wheat hasn’t been turned into mint or into a cow due to the addition of these genes.


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