
央视又出雷人言语了 被奥巴马启蒙“教育”一番

2009年04月13日 奇闻轶事 暂无评论 阅读 1 次




  RUI CHENGGANG: Rui Chenggang of China Central Television. It seems the world leaders have been talking about increasing the voice and voting rights of developing countries. I would like to ask two questions instead of just one. First one, on behalf of China...(芮成钢:芮成钢,来自中国中央电视台。既然全球的领导人一直在讲要给发展中国家更多的话语权和投票权,那么我就想问两个问题而不是一个问题。第一个问题是代表中国问的...)

  OBAMA: I may choose which one I want to answer.(奥巴马:我可能只选择其中一个问题回答。奥巴马笑)
  RUI CHENGGANG: of course.(芮成钢:当然可以。)
  OBAMA: That's always the danger of asking two questions.(奥巴马:问两个问题总是有风险的。)

  RUI CHENGGANG: First one,you've had a very fruitful meeting with our President. And during the Clinton administration,U.S.-China relationship was characterized,in Clinton's words,"strategic,constructive partnership." During the Bush era it was -the catchphrase,quote,unquote, "stakeholder."The Bush administration expects China to -to become a responsible stakeholder in international affairs. Have you come up with a catchphrase of your own? And,certainly,it is not the G-2,is it?

  And my second question is,on behalf of the world,politics is very local,even though we've been talking about global solution,as indicated by your recent preference over American journalists and British, which is OK. How can you make sure that you will do whatever you can,so that that local politics will not trump or negatively affect good international economics? Thank you, Mr. President.

  OBAMA: Well,those -those are excellent questions.On -on the first question, your American counterparts will tell you I'm terrible with those little catchphrases and sound bites. So I haven't come up with anything catchy yet, but if you have any suggestions, let me know. (LAUGHTER) I'll be happy to use them.

  In terms of local politics,look, I'm the President of the United States.I'm not the President of China,I'm not the President of Japan,I'm not the President of the other participants here. And so I have a direct responsibility to my constituents to make their lives better.That's why they put me in there.That accounts for some of the questions here,about how concretely does me being here help them find a job, pay for their home, send their kids to college, live what we call the American Dream.  And I will be judged by my effectiveness in meeting their needs and concerns.

  But in an era of integration and interdependence,it is also my responsibility to lead America into recognizing that its interests,its fate is tied up with the larger world; that if we neglect or abandon those who are suffering in poverty, that not only are we depriving ourselves of potential opportunities for markets and economic growth, but ultimately that despair may turn to violence that turns on us;that unless we are concerned about the education of all children and not just our children,not only may we be depriving ourselves of the next great scientist who's going to find the next new energy source that saves the planet, but we also may make people around the world much more vulnerable to anti-American propaganda.
  (但是在现在这个各国相互依存相互融合的时期,我的另一个职责就是带领美国人民认识到:我们国家的利益和命运和世界是紧密相连的。如果我们忽视或者放弃那些遭遇贫穷的国家和人民,我们将不但放弃了经济和市场发展的潜在机遇,而且最终失望会转变为暴力的冲突反过来伤害我们。如果我们只关注美国的下一代,而不是]] >



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