出现了什么No WPMU site defined on this host. 网上查了一下,把wp-config.php删掉再装一遍 Installation Finished! Congratulations! Your WordPress µ site has been configured. You can log in using the username "admin" and password a22931f2cc11 Directory Permissions Please remember to reset the permissions on the following directories: /var/www/wordpress-mu-1.3.3 /var/www/wordpress-mu-1.3.3/wp-content/ You can probably use the following command to fix the permissions but check with your host if it doubt: chmod 755 /var/www/wordpress-mu-1.3.3 /var/www/wordpress-mu-1.3.3/wp-content/ Further reading If you run into problems, please search the WordPress µ Forums where you will most likely find a solution. Please don't post there before searching. It's not polite. There is also the WordPress µ Trac. That's our bug tracker. Thanks for installing WordPress µ! Donncha wpmu version: 2.3.3