

2009年01月07日 English 暂无评论 阅读 1 次

《切-格瓦拉传》《福斯特对话尼克松》《革命之路》 《三只猴子》《班级》《Star Trek星际迷航》《微缩纽约/纽约提喻》《布鲁诺》《残破的拥抱》《化身》

Steven Soderbergh has always been a confident director, and this is a startlingly ambitious two-part movie about Che Guevara, the Argentine medical student turned legendary Marxist guerrilla. The first movie shows the two high points of Che's life: his place in the 1959 Cuban revolution and his radical-chic appearance at the UN in 1964. The second movie shows the drawn-out, agonised endgame in the Bolivian jungle, where he was to meet a violent end.

• Released 2 Jan and 20 Feb.

Opinions may be divided on the point of adapting Peter Morgan's award-winning stage play, but no one could doubt the outstanding performances. This is the great small-screen duel in 1977 between David Frost and ex-president Richard Nixon. Landing a punch on Tricky Dicky wouldretrieve Frostie's sagging career - and avoiding the blow might decontaminate Nixon's reputation. Great performances, particularly Frank Langella as Nixon.

• Released 23 Jan

Revolutionary Road
Ten years after their tragic tryst aboard the Titanic, Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are reunited in a more grown-up screen relationship. They play a couple in prosperous suburban America who yearn for something more in their lives, and astonish their neighbours with a plan to move to Paris. Their frustration opens their eyes to the true nature of their marriage. Director Sam Mendes's version of the classic 1961 novel by Richard Yates.

• Released 30 Jan.

Three Monkeys
Nuri Bilge Ceylan is one of the great masters of arthouse cinema, and his latest film is an intriguing and beautiful noir drama. A politician with secrets begs his driver to take the blame when he is involved in a car accident, and while the driver's in prison, his son drifts into trouble and his family's life starts coming apart. Ceylan has always been interested in the thriller genre, and this is his first real excursion into it. Opinions are divided, but this is arresting cinema.

• Released 13 Feb.

The Class
Laurent Cantet's docu-realist story of a teacher in a tough French school was a sensation in Cannes, winning the Palme D'Or - the first French movie to do so in 20 years. The idealist teacher reaching out to the tough kids ought to be the biggest cliche imaginable, and yet Cantet triumphantly transcends it. François Bégaudeau, the teacher who wrote the original novel, appears playing himself, and the children are all non-professionals. Powerful, exhilarating stuff.

• Released 27 Feb

Star Trek
Since the Phantom Menace debacle we've learned to be cautious about retro-novelty event films, but this is still a gripper. It is the back-to-basics Star Trek movie with Chris Pine as young Kirk, Zachary Quinto as his young Vulcan-human No 2 and Leonard Nimoy in a cameo as the old Spock. John Cho from the Harold and Kumar movies plays Sulu and Simon Pegg tries out his Scottish accent as Scottie, powering up dilithium crystals.

• Released 8 May.

Synecdoche, New York
Philip Seymour Hoffman plays a theatre director in Charlie Kaufman's metaphysical comedy. Disenchanted with the middlebrow nature of theatre and all that polite society calls "art", he takes over a rundown city block in New York - and employs actors to improvise lives in these apartments over months and years with no audience but themselves, creating a thrillingly authentic art-event-happening.

• Released 15 May.

It's that man again. The great prankster Sacha Baron Cohen now confers feature-film status on his other creation - Bruno, the gay Austrian fashion journalist who boldly quizzes unsuspecting creative types and somehow misses the point. Fans of the "Funkyzeit Mit Bruno" slot on his HBO show will be aware how horrible his misjudgments can be, and Bruno has already crashed super-cool runway shows for this film. Expect embarrassment, lawsuits and big laughs.

• Released 29 May.

Broken Embraces
Pedro Almodóvar has in the last few years ascended to the absolute heights of world cinema: he is the most important Spanish director since Buñuel, and is certainly the only director who could get away with referring to himself just by his surname in the credits. His new film stars his great muse Penélope Cruz and is a tough, noir-ish thriller about a plastic surgeon seeking revenge on the man who killed his daughter.

• Released 21 Aug.

Another post-Titanic landmark. Its formidably confident director James Cameron - who has been contenting himself with nature documentaries - returns with his first mainstream film since his great ocean-going tragedy. It's a mind-bending virtual-reality adventure using state of the art 3D and digital technology. A disabled soldier from the future inhabits the body of an alien being and leads its planet's insurrection against the Earthling oppressors.

• Released 18 Dec.


史蒂文·索德伯格作为导演,一直充满自信。这是一部关于切-格瓦拉的惊世之作,分为两集。格瓦拉曾是阿根廷的医科学生,后来成为一名颇具传奇色彩的 马克思主义游击队员。第一集展示了他生活中的两个高峰:身处1959年古巴革命,和1964年在联合国的激进表现。第二集展示了玻利维亚旷日持久的丛林 战,其中充满艰难困苦,他亦在此遭遇暴力终结。



对于改编这部皮特-摩根的获奖话剧,人们可能见仁见智,意见不一,但没有人怀疑其中的出色表演。1977年,戴维-福斯特采访前总统理查德-尼克 松,这是一场在小屏幕上展开的重量决斗。这次关于水门事件的采访,能够拯救福斯特低迷的职业生涯,又能避免尼克松的声名受污。其表演精彩之至,尤其是尼克 松的扮演者弗兰克-朗格拉。



在《泰坦尼克》中的悲剧相约十年后,莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥与凯特·温斯莱特重逢在银屏上,饰演一对关系更为成熟的夫妇,住在繁荣的美国郊区,却对生 命有着更多的渴望,他们计划移居巴黎,使得邻人讶异。此间的挫败使他们认识到婚姻的本质。导演山姆·门德斯,改编自1961年理查德-耶茨的经典小说。






劳伦·坎迪的这部纪实电影,讲述了一位老师在一所麻烦不断的法语学校的故事。该片在戛纳引起轰动,并赢得金棕榈奖,这是20年来第一部获此殊荣的法 国电影。老师怀揣理想主义,想要拯救棘手的孩子,这样的大俗套路,却被坎迪成功地超越。弗朗索瓦Bégaudeau老师是原著小说的作者,就像是在表演自 己,而剧中的孩子们都是非职业演员。影片令人震撼,催人振奋。


《Star Trek星际迷航》
自从《幽灵的威胁》解禁以来,我们学会了对新奇的复古电影要持谨慎态度,但这次的确引人入胜。这是星际迷航 电影的回归,克里斯·派恩饰演年轻的可瑞克,扎克瑞·昆图饰演年轻的火神人2号,伦纳德-尼莫依饰演老斯坡克。《寻堡奇遇》中的约翰·赵饰演苏鲁,西蒙· 佩吉带有苏格兰口音,饰演斯考特。他们减少了碲化二锂晶体消耗。





又是这个人。搞怪大师萨沙-拜伦-科恩在其创作中又加入了剧情片:《布鲁诺》。主角是一名奥地利时尚记者,同性恋,大胆尝试, 富于创造,有时有些不得要领。"Funkyzeit Mit Bruno"迷们在HBO秀上将会看到他的搞怪有多可怕,而且《布鲁诺》已经为这部电影超酷走秀,期待着尴尬、官司,还有哄堂大笑。



又一部后泰坦尼克里程碑式作品。自信的强人导演詹姆斯-卡梅隆,一直制作自然纪录片,自他伟大的海洋悲剧《泰坦尼克》后首次回归主 流电影。这是一部脑部扭曲的虚拟现实历险记,大量运用先进的3D和数字技术,讲述一名来自未来的残疾士兵,进入外星生命躯体,并领导了对抗地球暴政的星球 起义。



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