
Building and running Shindig PHP server

2009年01月04日 PHP, 学习随笔 评论 2 条 阅读 1 次

Prequisites before building Shindig for PHP

In order to build and run Shindig for PHP, you must have the following:

  • A Subversion client installed in order to checkout the code.
    • Instructions for downloading and installing Subversion can be found here: http://subversion.tigris.org/
  • Apache with mod_rewrite enabled.
  • PHP 5.2.x with the json, simplexml, mcrypt and curl extentions enabled.

Getting the code

Create a subdirectory in your web document root, e.g. /var/www/html and checkout the Shindig code from its Subversion repository

  1. mkdir /var/www/html/shindig
  2. cd /var/www/html/shindig
  3. svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/shindig/trunk/ .

Running Shindig

With PHP There is no need to build anything - the source code is already built.

To run the code, you have several options:

a. Create a new virtual host

Point your apache to the php dir with a virtual host like:

		<VirtualHost your_ip:your_port>

		       ServerName your.host
		       DocumentRoot /var/www/html/shindig/php
		       ... other normal settings in vhosts...

Restart apache, and point your browser to:


you should see something like this.

b. Run with an existing host

If you cannot/don't want to create a virtual host, you can edit the file php/config.php and change the web_prefix setting to '/shindig/php'.

Then you can run the gadget by pointing your browser to:


Additional reading

Read php/README for original instructions on how to start up the php shindig server.

Read javascript/README for instructions for using the Shindig Gadget Container JavaScript to enable your page to render Gadgets using gmodules.com or a server started up as described above.

How to contribute to Shindig

Shindig is strengthened by accepting quality contributions from a wide variety of sources. These steps serve as an in-progress guide to contributing code into the source code repository for Shindig.

Code Submissions

Creating Patches

For new people to the project, creating patches is the way to get started and build your reputation.

  1. Start editing the code, since Subversion is being used no checkout is needed
  2. Move to top level folder, e.g. cd ~/src/shindig
  3. Generate diffs using svn di > fix-xxx-bug.patch
  4. If needed, remove from the patch file any changes you do not want to submit until later
  5. If you're new, create an account on https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SHINDIG
  6. Create a new issue with the patch:
    1. Follow the "New" link: https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/CreateIssue!default.jspa
    2. For the "Issue Type", select "Bug", "Improvement" or "New Feature"
    3. Click "Next>>"
    4. Enter summary / description and select the component
    5. Click "Create"
    6. Click "Attach file" and select the mychanges.patch file
    7. Check the "Grant license to ASF for inclusion in ASF works" option
    8. Click on "Watching" and then click on "Start" watching to get updates

The newly created issue will automatically be sent to shindig-dev@incubator.apache.org. You should also subscribe using shindig-dev-subscribe@incubator.apache.org to see all the feedback, in which case you'll get the updates on the issue without needing to "Watch" them individually.

Submitting Patches

If you have commit permission, then you can submit directly from subversion and should also look at patches provided by others.

  1. Move to top level folder, e.g. cd ~/src/shindig (you might find it helpful to create a separate tree from your working tree)
  2. Apply patch: patch p0 < mychanges.patch
  3. svn commit
  4. For the log message put Applied patch for JIRA issue SHINDIG-XXX, where XXX is the JIRA issue number you are applying the patch for. This will automatically update the JIRA issue with a link to the subversion commit. You don't need additional comments as the JIRA issue should contain enough information already.


Mailing List

Issue Tracker (using JIRA)

To file bugs or feature requests, please use Shindig's issue tracker (JIRA):

  1. Login to the issue tracker (top right corner) or follow the instructions to make a new account (anyone can make an account).
  2. Once logged in you should be able to see all of Shindig's open issues.
  3. If the issue has not been filed, use the "Create a new issue" link (this will not be shown if you are not logged in). 

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